Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Does anyone know of any seafood bake recipes? (Details inside)

Hello, I was wanting to do something different for a seafood dinner and thought a bake (or casserole might work too?) might be nice.

I’d like to include, if possible, shrimp, halibut pieces, and scallops without using too much dairy/cream (lots of recipes I found used a lot of dairy). Wouldn’t mind including some alcohol (like white wine) if possible but that’s extra.

So far I haven’t had much luck finding something that fits the bill, so I thought I would ask and see if you guys could help. I am quite lost with knowing how to find what recipes I want so sorry if what I’m describing is somewhere easy to access and I missed it. Ty in advance for any advice/ideas given.

submitted by /u/lilnuggitt
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