Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Savory Blender Recipes?

Hi all, apologies if this is redundant or silly question. For the past several months I’ve been having issues that make it hard to swallow food. As such, I’ve switched to a primarily liquid diet although certain softer foods are OK (Think pudding, yogurt, pastes etc.). While smoothies and other things are great, it’s a lot of sweet flavors, and I crave savory stuff, especially something that I can actually eat rather than drink (I have a disability that makes eating drippy things with a spoon hard, so while soups help me get some of the flavors I crave, they are a pain to eat). Do y’all have any suggestions? I feel like my google-fu is missing key terms, or this is just a not-at-all-strangely uninvestigated space.

For reference one thing I have had luck with is putting saag paneer in the blender. It yields a paste with a perfect consistency and an oh-so satisfying taste, but even I can’t eat that too many times in a row. Certain other foods (see general Tso’s Chicken) have not fared so well.

All that said I will gladly take any superb smoothie recipes—I was just hoping to find savory things that are thick enough to be eaten with a fork. Any and all advice is appreciated!

submitted by /u/VampyTrout
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