Monday, July 29, 2019

Apple Mint Ice Tea

Apple Mint Ice Tea

Here is a recipe for ice tea that is healthy, tasty and super easy to make!


  1. Tea leaves (preferred green tea leaves)
  2. Water
  3. Apple Juice
  4. Fresh Mint


  1. Boil some water in a container and add tea leaves according to preference or taste.

  2. Let it boil for about 5 minutes. (Not more than 5 minutes as it may become bitter)

  3. Remove the container from the stovetop.

  4. Let the water cool down.

  5. Add half a cup of apple juice in the water and stir.

  6. Pour the drink over ice.

  7. Add mint leaves on top. (Add sugar if necessary.)

  8. Refrigerate the tea for about an hour.

  9. The tea is ready to serve! (You can add a few apple pieces for decoration)

PS. Add ingredients according to the number of people you want to serve. The above recipe serves one person.

submitted by /u/chai_mighty
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