Sunday, June 23, 2019

Alcoholic dessert recipes that are not safe for kids?

I know this is an odd request, but here's my story:

I was chatting with a couple friends the other day and one of them suggested a pool party for lesbian couples only. My wife and I were totally down, as was another couple, who offered to host the party at their place Friday night. We all started talking allergies and who would bring what (I like to shop a few days in advance so I'm prepared) and seemed to have most of it figured out. There would be 4 couples at this private party.

Then, 30 minutes ago, the host added another couple to our group chat. Here's the issues. 1. Main woman in this couple (Let's call her Sam) is hosts boss. That means host won't be able to have as much fun, and I'm pretty sure Sam invited herself since she was nearby when we made the initial plans. 2. None of the other couples have kids, but Sam has 4... And she's implied she will be bringing her kids to the pool party. 3. Sam is very attracted to my wife (she's told us both so) and tried to get my wife to swing with her and her wife, but we quickly realized that lifestyle wasn't for us. (Neither Sam nor her wife were interested in me, and I find neither of them attractive as well) We try and be cordial but she still states her attraction for my wife, and desire to be NEAR her. I feel I should also state that my wife also finds Sam attractive, though she had no intention of pursuing anything with Sam for fear of destroying our marriage.

I was already marked down for bringing the desert, and planned on making it adult, but now I REALLY want it to be drunk. I'm aware that any alcohol I heat will be cooked off, so preferably nothing like that. Here's what alcohol I have on hand from my birthday party last month... gin, creme de menthe, creme de violette, amaretto, rum, brandy, merlot.

I really want to go to this pool party, but knowing Sam will be there, and will see my wife in her bikini (the only suit she currently owns) is making me uncomfortable.

So, I'm looking for drunk recipes to cook/bake/prepare that day. I know it's petty, but that's all I've got.

submitted by /u/ViRandomCrazyGirl
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