Friday, August 24, 2018

[Request] Relatively healthy recipes that include a daily dose of psyllium husk powder that don't taste absolutely awful?

I suffer from IBS and when looking up remedies, I heard about psyllium husk powder. It's a fiber that's the main ingredients in medicines like Metamucil. My issue with these medicines is if you want it in pill form, it's like 4 giant pills a day. The orange flavored Metamucil drink powder has a lot of sugar, and I just don't want added calories/sugar every day. The sugar-free version has aspartame plus both have extra additives and I just don't want all that. It feels like it defeats the point.

So I got pure psyllium husk powder. Much cheaper and organic. I tried just mixing it with water and drinking it, but it tasted so bad, I was trying so hard not to gag and couldn't finish it. Even when I added water flavoring. It tasted like I was drinking dirty water and my body had a natural rejection reflex.

I looked up recipes, but they all were like keto bread-substitute recipes that also included like coconut flour and other carb-free stuff. Keto substitute recipes as is are already not often tasty. I tried one recipe and it tasted absolutely awful, I couldn't stand it.

Does anyone have any recipes for psyllium husk powder that actually taste good? Something relatively healthy I could eat for breakfast? I just find it has this sandy dirt texture and I'm hoping to find a recipe that masks the flavor/texture.


submitted by /u/SafeNeighbor
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