Thursday, January 30, 2020

Looking for a variety of recipe ideas that I can prep for a friend having a debilitating M.S. flair up. She has been weak and struggling to get around, looking for foods that can be frozen/ prepared and microwaved that I can help set up w/ minimal prep (for her).

Like in title, my friend is having some health issues and having problem staying nourished but hates asking for help. We are all grad students and have a somewhat tight budget but want to make sure she has a lot of options and is taken care of because she is far from family and is loved in our friend group. Looking for a variety of recipes for things that can easily be put together by her. An oven is out of the question for her (not for initial prep) as she is struggling to get around and hold items etc. I have a fully stocked kitchen at home and some experience with baking. Looking at ideas from meals and snacks to sweet treats that can be saved.

Any ideas are useful !

submitted by /u/handhammeredonsunday
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