Friday, September 14, 2018

Recipe for Delicious Raspberry Sponge Cake

Recipe for Delicious Raspberry Sponge Cake
  • 4 large eggs, separated (room temp)
  • ¾ cup Pams White Sugar
  • ¾ cup cornflour
  • 2 Tbsp Pams Custard Powder
  • 3 tsp Pams Baking Powder
  • ½ cup Pams Raspberry Jam
  • Icing Ingredients
  • 1½ cups Pams Icing Sugar
  • 25g Pams Butter Melted
  • Cold water
  • Raspberry essence
  • 1 drop red food colouring


  1. Preheat broiler to 180°C. Oil and line two cake tins (23cm).

  2. Beat egg whites, gradually include sugar, beat until firm and sugar broke up.

  3. Add yolks, blend well.

  4. Sift together dry fixings and tenderly overlap into the blend.

  5. Pour a large portion of the blend into each tin and heat for 15– 20 minutes.

  6. Cool cakes on a wire rack.

  7. Blend icing sugar, margarine, embodiment and shading, including water until the point when blend is spreadable.

  8. Spread one wipe with stick, put second on top and ice

submitted by /u/akashocd
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